Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hard Days

Some days are harder than others.

As children we thought our lives were over if we didn't get the toy we wanted, or if our crush liked somebody else.

As we age and grow not only physically, but mentally, we realize that toys break and crushes can turn out to be different than we thought.

Most 'hard' days as an adult come from work. Stressful days turn into stressful nights and it can be hard to separate home and work life. When I have these hard days I try to remember a day in the past that was much worse than the current situation. An internal pep talk sounds like, "Hey remember that one time...., yeah that was 10 times worse than this and YOU not only survived you learned and grew from that day." This pep talk has helped me through my hard days and have helped me continue as my to push for the best at my job.

Another thing that helps me through these hard days in that you are not defined by how well you do at your job. It does not define you as a good or bad person.

Hopefully when you have a hard day you can think back about a time that was worse and you made it through, and if not this hard day will be your go to for future hard days. If you can make it through this you can make it through ANYTHING!!!

If not you can go home crying, run for 30 minutes, cry to your boyfriend until you find a solution which entails him going to the store and buying you a feel better feast (see picture)

Thanks Derek I love you.

p.s. thanks ashley for making me want to write again... it's the first time in a long time.